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Stats at a Glance

September Detached Median Prices (Month over Month) UNCHANGED
September Attached Median Prices (Month over Month) 4.4% DECREASE
September Detached Sold Listings (Month over Month) 13.9% DECREASE
September Attached Sold Listings (Month over Month) 22.1% DECREASE

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Engage SD County's Housing Blueprint

March 15, 2023
Government Affairs

San Diego County is seeking input from residents to help shape the housing blueprint that will be adopted by the Board of Supervisors. The plan aims to aim to curb the region’s housing crisis by finding ways to build more housing, retain affordable housing, reduce prices, and help people afford to stay in their existing homes. The public survey is open for comment through March 31.

Read more.

legal & legislative

admin September Detached Median Prices (Month over Month) UNCHANGED September Attached Median Prices (Month over Month) 4.4% DECREASE September Detached Sold Listings (Month over Month) 13.9% DECREASE September Attached Sold Listings (Month over Month) 22.1% DECREASE San Diego County Stats San Diego REALTOR® e-Magazine Classes & Webinars SDAR Caravans & Tours