Local real estate market statistics are updated here monthly.
In light of the verdict, SDAR will work with members to minimize disruption to our industry regardless of the final outcome.
In light of the verdict, SDAR will work with members to minimize disruption to our industry regardless of the final outcome.
Read the latest economic report to get more insight on the economy, the housing market, employment, and other data points affecting your business.
Read the latest economic report to get more insight on the economy, the housing market, employment, and other data points affecting your business.
Read about the latest Real Estate related news brought to you by the Greater San Diego Association of REALTORS®
Read about the latest Real Estate related news brought to you by the Greater San Diego Association of REALTORS®
Sales of previously owned homes pulled back in September, while median prices barely moved.
Sales of previously owned homes pulled back in September, while median prices barely moved.
Help protect our industry by urging your members of Congress to protect the National Flood Insurance Program.
Help protect our industry by urging your members of Congress to protect the National Flood Insurance Program.
The number of resale homes that closed escrow in September in San Diego County dropped significantly month-over-month.
The number of resale homes that closed escrow in September in San Diego County dropped significantly month-over-month.
Read the latest economic report to get more insight on the economy, the housing market, employment, and other data points affecting your business.
Read the latest economic report to get more insight on the economy, the housing market, employment, and other data points affecting your business.
SDAR currently is seeking applications from members to serve as volunteers for its committees.
Heading into the fall season, sales of single-family homes slowed in August, while attached property sales rose slightly.
Heading into the fall season, sales of single-family homes slowed in August, while attached property sales rose slightly.