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September Detached Median Prices (Month over Month) UNCHANGED
September Attached Median Prices (Month over Month) 4.4% DECREASE
September Detached Sold Listings (Month over Month) 13.9% DECREASE
September Attached Sold Listings (Month over Month) 22.1% DECREASE

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SDAR Opposition Statement on Short-Term Rental Tax

June 22, 2023
Press Release

The Greater San Diego Association of REALTORS® (SDAR) comes out in strong opposition to legislation that would impose a 15% tax on owners of short-term rentals, as it would directly harm hard-working families and any individuals that operate short-term rentals for profit. SDAR stands in defense of property rights and believes that a short-term rental tax would weaken the tourism industry and the small businesses that rely on tourism to survive.

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press releases

admin September Detached Median Prices (Month over Month) UNCHANGED September Attached Median Prices (Month over Month) 4.4% DECREASE September Detached Sold Listings (Month over Month) 13.9% DECREASE September Attached Sold Listings (Month over Month) 22.1% DECREASE San Diego County Stats San Diego REALTOR® e-Magazine Classes & Webinars SDAR Caravans & Tours