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Stats at a Glance

June Detached Median Prices (Month over Month) 0.1% INCREASE
June Attached Median Prices (Month over Month) 2.0% INCREASE
June Detached Sold Listings (Month over Month) 11.1% DECREASE
June Attached Sold Listings (Month over Month) 16.1% DECREASE

Local real estate market statistics are updated here monthly.

ABR Class

Oct. 26 Webinar - Benefits Overview: MLS Rules

Real estate professionals depend on accurate and timely data to conduct their business successfully. That's why it's so important to enter and maintain listings in compliance with MLS Rules and Regulations. Contract expert Kevin Burke, JD, covers the "do's" and "don'ts" for listings on the service.

Managing Risk

Oct. 26, 2023
Oct. 26, 2023
10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.

Kevin Burke

admin June Detached Median Prices (Month over Month) 0.1% INCREASE June Attached Median Prices (Month over Month) 2.0% INCREASE June Detached Sold Listings (Month over Month) 11.1% DECREASE June Attached Sold Listings (Month over Month) 16.1% DECREASE