Local real estate market statistics are updated here monthly.
51% of homes sold last year were from homeowners 59+ years old. How can YOU be the agent to those listings?
According to the National Association of REALTORS®, 51% of the homes sold last year were from homeowners 59+ years old. Why are these homeowners selling, and who will be getting these listings?
#1: Why older homeowners are selling
What are the specific cash flow, tax, and estate issues older homeowners are concerned with?
#2: Loans, reverse mortgages, and financing
Learn advanced strategies for reverse mortgage refinances and reverse mortgage for purchases, and how higher interest rates cause issues for our retired homeowners.
#3: Heirs, trusts, and title issues
Learn about the concerns of heirs and how helping them be set up for success can earn you the listing down the line
#4: Tools and strategies to earn more listings
How do you apply this knowledge and boost your day-to-day business without doing more than what you’re already doing? Learn all about how the reverse mortgage works, how the current loan market is impacting buying and selling for older homeowners, AND how all this works for YOUR business!
Ryan Kleis