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Stats at a Glance

June Detached Median Prices (Month over Month) 0.1% INCREASE
June Attached Median Prices (Month over Month) 2.0% INCREASE
June Detached Sold Listings (Month over Month) 11.1% DECREASE
June Attached Sold Listings (Month over Month) 16.1% DECREASE

Local real estate market statistics are updated here monthly.

ABR Class

Feb. 23 Webinar - Get Paid What You're Worth!

Join us for a dynamic and captivating live webinar hosted by Jeff Mays of the Tom Ferry organization! Discover the secrets to turning potential leads into loyal, long-term clients who trust your expertise and rely on your services. Gain access to exclusive tools and strategies that will help you provide your buyers with a consultation experience that is second to none.

Cutting Edge, Webinar

Feb. 23, 2024
Feb. 23, 2024
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.

Jeff Mays

admin June Detached Median Prices (Month over Month) 0.1% INCREASE June Attached Median Prices (Month over Month) 2.0% INCREASE June Detached Sold Listings (Month over Month) 11.1% DECREASE June Attached Sold Listings (Month over Month) 16.1% DECREASE